Company of heroes 2 any new patch
Company of heroes 2 any new patch

  • Vehicles commanded to face in a different direction will turn properly instead of driving in circles.
  • Loiters have been toned down to be less oppressive.
  • The M13/40 has also seen some reductions in power.
  • company of heroes 2 any new patch company of heroes 2 any new patch

    Pathfinders have had their utility and early power toned down.Relic stresses that it's not made a full balance pass yet, but the update still includes "several changes to help shake up multiplayer and co-op". Bloom was removed and we fixed blur or "haze" on the maps.Fixed several issues where bridges did not correctly have cover.Adjusted territory layout on (8) Mignano Gap and made minor adjustments to Strategic and Victory Point locations on (6) Gazala Landing Ground.With this option, squads only occupy one control group at a time, like in previous CoH games Added an option to enable Exclusive Control Groups.

    company of heroes 2 any new patch

    Fixed several icons and portraits with the correct Company of Heroes 3 assets.Allies will now be cool colors and enemies will be warm colors A small update to the Unique Player Color option.

    Company of heroes 2 any new patch